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Simple Ideas to Beat the Winter Blues

Are you one of the 2 million people in the UK that suffers from the winter blues? Here are some simple ideas that could help you to beat it:

Go outside

Research has shown that even a 15-minute walk is enough to increase essential neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which help invigorate the brain. If you can go outside and have a walk earlier in the day, absorbing natural daylight within two hours of waking up, it will be even more beneficial.


Studies suggest that meditation can lead to increased activity in the left prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain associated with happiness, and decreased activity in brain regions linked to stress.

Put down that glass

We know it seems  like a good idea on a dark and chilly evening, but drinking alcohol will actually have a bad impact on your fitness and general mood over the winter time. Choose one or two nights a week to drink if you wish, but keep the rest alcohol-free.

Keep a healthy diet

What you eat has a great affect on your mood and energy. The colder nights of winter can force us to crave for high-sugar/high-fat foods that aren’t very good for our bodies such as take-away, crisps, cakes and so on. It’s important that we don’t over indulge on these types of food due to their bad impact on our health, specially in a period of the year when we are less active.

Treat yourself

Having something to look forward to can keep anyone motivated, specially when winter seems endless! When you have something nice planned, your mood improves when you’re anticipating it and when the event actually comes. Plan something that’s exciting to you – a weekend trip, a day at the spa, a date, a party or sporting event.

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